
certificate of exemption from enlightenment

This document certifies that


is immune to the lust for enlightenment and is exempt from the need to
seek enlightenment.

This document also certifies that


has seen through the fraud of the enlightenment con game and is
excused from further clawing and scraping to own a piece of that
specious reward.

This document further certifies that


is free from the temptation to be consecrated as enlightened by any
guru, saint, holy person, or religious organization that claims the right to
do so.

Finally, this document certifies that


has already been enlightened a million times in a million different ways
anyway, and that seeking even further enlightenments would be
redundant and even greedy.

To ensure the continued validity of this document,


vows to regularly renew these three understandings: that it is impossible
to ever reach a complete and permanent state of enlightenment; that
there is no single state of awareness that constitutes enlightenment; and
that since the nature of reality keeps changing, the nature of
enlightenment keeps changing as well.


Anonymous said...

Good for you!! As frustrating as it is, there is no real answer and constantly searching drives you and everyone around you up the wall. ;)
We all love you for trying so hard though. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Wow! I feel really enlightened after reading this! LOL. I love you, babe.


Ravyn said...

Hmmm. Well.. now I'm enlightened again as to the futility of seeking further enlightenment. Where do *I* get one of those certificates. That way I can avoid any other enlightenmentisms.