greetings, beauty and truth fans!
it has recently come to my attention that some readers are having difficulty reading my blog entries over at lovely myspace. and considering that only yesterday afternoon i actually broke 300 blog views for the week, apparently quite a few people are reading my blog. true, they're probably the same people reading multiple entries, but that still can't account for 300 views! WOW!
so...to accomodate those people who'd like to be able to read my blog without running into myspace difficulties, allow me to unveil iGoddess! it's a mirror blog hosted by the lovely people here at Blogger. it's still the same info that i posted over at MySpace, except i'll also be participating in weekly Memes here that i can't participate in over there because of the viewing difficulty. on the other hand, those uber-sensitive blog entries that are only viewable by my preferred list will only be posted there, as i have yet to figure out how to secure single entires as opposed to the whole blog itself over here at blogger.
so now you have a choice, oh dear beauty and truth fans! and it was good.
i have spoken.
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