1. How to fix a car engine
2. String Theory, in a practical and easy-for-my-small-brain-to-grasp way
3. My family history, adopted and birth family
4. Riding a horse Western style
5. Tai Chi
6. Fighting with a quarterstaff
7. Sewing -- I can't stitch a straight line to save my life
8. Crocheting
9. Elephant rehabilitation and therapy
10. Diplomacy and mediation
11. Ice sculpting -- I just think that would be so awesome to know
12. How to make sushi
13. How to meditate better
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Amy
2. The Hippie Chick
3. Sweet and Sassy
4. Jenny Up the Hill
5. Dog's Eye View
6. Suki
7. Jeannine
8. (your name here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Great list! I want to crochet as well. Im not sure if I should have a friend teach me or if I should take a class!
Intriguing list - quite a mixture of things!
Genealogical research is really fascinating!
Great list, especially #1. I wonder how much money I could have saved thru the years if I'd have known more about cars.
My TT is up too on why I want snow.
I want to learn to crochet too...I've tried knitting but it really just didn't happen for me. I did end up buying a knifty knitter which is super easy! Btw, you are right...I did forget "gazebo" and "zamboni"! lol!! It's so glad to know that someone else keeps a running list!! I also have a list for mispronounced words...maybe I'll have to post that list next week!!
Great list! I was taught how to crochet when I was little, maybe 6 or 7 years old. It's pretty easy - much less complicated than String Theory. I didn't study that until college. :-)
Thanks for stopping by, and happy TT!
Great list! Crocheting is on my list too. I need to learn more than just the basic stitch... Have a great weekend!
Good list! The BBC made a very good two parter on string theory a while back. Maybe you can get hold of it?
And have fun learnign the rest!
Happy TT!
I'm with you on Tai Chi and sewing. I bought a sewing machine last year and used it 1 time. Pretty sad, I know.
OMG! I do not lie...we too add "ma" to words!! We say "ed-u-ma-ca-tion" all the time...we homeschool so when we are around people that are bothered by this we ALWAYS say it! lol!! Are we related??? LOL!!
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