
the notdate

it wasn't a date! it was takeout, and dvd's after exposing the poor boy to my weapon-bearing family. and i thought i had it tough when all i had to worry about was one bigoted mexican father...oi vey.

no, dating's that thing people do after they've been hanging out together for a long time, and they decide to hang out exclusively. they do things like hold hands and kiss, and get all cuddly 'n stuff. and, like i told *ds* last night, it's not even like we're friends. yet. he's someone i met, haven't known him long enough to say he's a friend. it was notadate, just movies. we watched all the king's men and matrix reloaded, since neither of us had seen king's men, and the matrix is one of his favorite trilogies. of course, then he had to subject me to the '03 mtv music awards right in the middle of the movie, so we fell out of our chairs laughing at will ferrel yelling "ergo! vis a vis!" and after we went back to the movie, in all those scenes mtv used, we were both snickering and spontaneously calling out "ergo!" and "vis a vis!" just because it was that kind of stupidfunny that had us both snickering.

i'll never be able to see "the architect" again without thinking of will ferrel.

he wants to have dinner sometime. of course, that won't be a date, either.

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