
fucktards hate me. this is good.

you know how there are the fabled "signs of the apocalypse," and the minute people start hearing about more natural disasters, the failing economy, and paris hilton, the more they start talking about another sign the world is ending?

or the sign of buried treasure? who hasn't heard "X marks the spot?"

you read traffic signs to let you know how close you are to your destination, and where you have to go.

well, i just received another very clear sign that i'm headed in the right direction, and that i'm living my life according to solid principles of a high enough caliber that i'm beginning to seriously become distinctive and separate of the unwashed masses:

fucktards hate me.

did you know that donald trump is hated just as much as he is loved and respected? and yes, i'm comparing myself to The Donald, but only in the sense that the people who love and respect me understand me, while the enmity and badmouthing i receive comes from the fucktards who only reveal the true depth of their own vapid, uneducated, cowardly, weak, and small selves the more they focus all that negative energy on someone clearly more promising than they are.

the enmity of fucktards has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with them. the more they open their mouths, the clearer the picture they paint revealing how much they suck. they will never understand the good i do, never come close to the challenges i face daily as i hold myself to integrity and honesty.

it's difficult to do. but worth every second. just take a look at my life and what i have to show for it. do i have a failing marriage, or thriving relationships? do i have drama and angst, or clarity and room to grow? do i have stagnation, or am i going forward in my education and career? the people who are close to my daily life...what do they have to say about me? what kinds of people are they? i can guarantee they're professional, educated, strong, and know who they are.

those are the kinds of people i have backing me. fucktards are who i have sending nasty emails. who would you tend to believe? and why?

character and reputation are valuable, no doubt. but quality of that reputation and the people voicing such opinions, are just as weighty. i'd rather have one solid reference than a thousand weak ones. not all opinions are created equal.

i only hope that i can be a solid example that it can be done. yes, it's difficult, and scary, and can leave you crying alone in your bed at night sometimes. that's just the process of separating the wheat from the chaff. and believe me, there's lots of chaff out there. but i'm slowly beginning to learn that just because i could do it doesn't mean everyone can, like i used to believe.

but i still invite everyone who wants to come with me...to come with me. i can help. i can teach. i can laugh and cry and hug and support and encourage. i can brainstorm challenges. i can hold up a mirror, and while i might show you things you didn't want to see about yourself, i promise i'm even better at showing you inner wonderfulness you never knew you had.

i'm not trying to say i'm a guru, or set myself up as a leader. i'm simply holding out my hand as i walk down a fantastic and promising, magical and rewarding path and inviting people to walk it beside me. we can teach each other. we can grow. we can Become in ways we couldn't even dream of before now.

i'm holding out my hand. who wants to walk with me?


Genie Sea said...

Oh I'm skipping along! :)

I am developing a particular deafness and blindness... to fucktards. :)

"shoo fly, don't bother me!" I sing as I join the iGoddess march! :)

Jen said...

Hello! Thank you so much for this opportunity and my answers to your interview are now posted. What a great way to spend my afternoon~

bug said...

Bouncing, skippivng, and hopping along in absolute euphoria!

The part about "just because i could do it doesn't mean everyone can" is sooooo hard. It is so hard to let go of the people that have been incredibly important to you for years, but who refuse to be anything but stagnant... actually more often literally absolutely don't understand any other option... It is so hard to not try to hang on for dear life trying to convince them of all the beauty and possibilities in this amazing world that they are incapable of ever seeing. Maybe they're not incapable, but it's hard to accept that I'm incapable of MAKING them see it and understand it. So sos osos ososoooooosoooooooo so SO hard for me.

Jane said...

Oh, I've been holding your hand since the first time I read your blog.

Fucktards also exhibit their behavior through their LACK of words and actions too. I was severely burned by 2 people whom I have come to see as cowards. But at the same time, I have been growing in leaps and bounds and they have not. It hurts but the Universe has a way of giving us what we need when we need it and then providing something even better when we are ready.

CelticBuffy said...

I discovered your blog through Bohemian Mom and am slowly realizing that that there are others out there like me (they just don't seem to LIVE near me!). So sign me up! I'm on the walk already and it's nice to find others who are like-minded.

Anonymous said...

I'm always with you on your "refusal-to-be-knocked-on-your-ass-by-fucktards" path.

I hear ya, there are always going to be some people who just don't want to see growth, truth and realism in another.

Hang in and keep your pace!

Tori said...

I'll take you up on that offer! The more people on the path, the easier it is to walk on. =)

bug said...

"come with me. i can help. i can teach. i can laugh and cry and hug and support and encourage. i can brainstorm challenges. i can hold up a mirror, and while i might show you things you didn't want to see about yourself, i promise i'm even better at showing you inner wonderfulness you never knew you had."

I am not ignoring the Evil Shoe-Loving Twin's absolute special talent at the above things, but lets all be this person for each other! Yay!