
thursday thirteen #6

Thirteen Reasons Retro ROCKS!!

1. the bohemian way of life!

2. bellbottoms!!!


4. albums were REAL ALBUMS and told STORIES!


6. The Blues Brothers

...a moment of silence for Belushi...

7. the colorful vocabulary! it was so far out back then. fuckin' A!

8. say it with me now: GO-GO BOOTS!!!

9. SLUG BUG!!!

10. Civil Rights

11. the Sexual Revolution

12. Motown!

...whew! this TT was a lot of work this week! almost done!



Sunny Ellis said...

Funny how some weekds it just comes out easy and others it works.

I love platforms. Too bad they are such a pain to walk in.

Denise Patrick said...

I lived through that period and I don't know that I want to go back - although some of the fashions were great (if you had to body for it) - go hot pants!!

Anonymous said...

Great TT list. Motown rocks, and I listed several Motown songs on my TT this week. Happy Thursday!

Karianne said...

I found you through the TT hub, just scrolling through, and I'm so impressed! What a great blog! I can't wait to read more.

JHS said...

OMG, thanks for the stroll down memory lane. But I'm NEVER putting on bell bottoms again. EVER. I did that. . . oh, yeah . . . no platforms again, either. I would be all too happy to get out my copy of Hotel California & play it for you, though. There are a few scratches on it, but it should be fine. Those are just where my roommates dropped the bong.

Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Why, WHY??? Why was getting high so popular at the same time as those platform shoes?????
I remember doing many a "faceplant".
Excellent list!!!
I think I'll give it a go!