from the oxford-delena dictionary
1. completed, done; effected
2. to succeed in doing; to bring to pass
3. something delena hasn't felt about herself in a @#*!-ing long time
well. y'know how i mentioned in the previous entry here that i had an interview last week? well, that same manager with whom i interviewed called me today, said that i passed my pee test with flying colors, and she would like me to come in tomorrow to fill out paperwork.
so it sounds like i got the job. *insert smiley here*
i'm actually a lot happier and excited than i let on. i want to get up and jump around, call everyone, and be really stupidhappy about it, but i'm just doing my silly little understated, "yay, i'm a groomer again!" where i clap my hands and it's so mild you'd really wonder if i were happy at all. if you didn't know me, anyway. i'm actually happy about a lot of things, i just don't express it, really. it's that whole "don't be happy, because it'll just fuck up on you later" hesitation. comes from having so much blow up in my face that i really don't celebrate a lot.
but this time, godsdammit. it's been over a year since i've been in the workforce. last year i was just in too many little mental and emotional ittybitty pieces, but i've been ready for a few months now to actually stand up and get over it. or at least work on getting over it, anyway. it's a process. it'll always be a process.
but hey, i'll be working at petsmart, with animals and not with people!!! i hate people. really, the only jobs i've had (except for grooming 10, 8, and 7 years ago) were customer service since i was 15 1/2. now i just hate people. it's funny, but when i was little, i wanted to be a police officer. for reals! i so wanted to wear that awesome uniform and drive around in a placentia police dept. vehicle and catch bad guys. but after working with simple customer service --where people see you as a menial slave and treat you like shit because they know you can't fight back-- i swear, i've seen some of the bad crap that humans are capable of just being petty fucktards, and i realized i could never handle the absolute dregs of society. of course, that was a disappointment, but better to find out sooner, rather than too late, right?
gimme animals. animals love people. animals are the best side of human nature, and most people's pets actually behave better in public than most people's children. (intelligent and highly evolved parents who actually discipline their children and teach good manners and consideration excluded, of course.) so let me get wet from head to toe, and smell like wet dog and shampoo, with my face covered in dried doggie kisses, with stray fur in my ears and up my nose, and i'm a happy camper. it is SO much more preferable to grouchy, inconsiderate, selfish, little people with nothing better to do than break my spirit. i had enough of that growing up, thanks.
after all, there is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
-ben williams
I completely agree. Granted my job is currently to break things and the only time I have to deal with people it is either teaching them how to effectively log what they broke and how they broke it or in discussing what I broke. So dealing with people in this manner isn't so bad, especially since they are slowly reminding me that I am more intelligent and worth more than I had remembered. (2 years homeless really screwed with my self-esteem.) Hell it's their fault I'm going back to school and looking forward to it instead of wondering if I'll screw that up too. SO all in all people aren't worth your time, I however; got really really lucky.
YAY for you!! :D Congrats and hugs and a happy drink or two.
Enjoy the animals.....I know I would.
Loving your blog!
Congratulations on finding a job that's such a good fit!
I LOVE doggies!!! You are going to have such a rewarding time there!
I know what you mean about people.
From one retail chicky to another...customer service bites!
Mean people suck!!
Mean dogs bite.....er....getting carried away now.
ANYWAY....So happy for you!!!
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