i have spoken.
apologies for no post yesterday. usually, fridays are reserved for "fucktard of the week," however i've come to realize that, while fun, making fun of and griping about the fucktards of the world just isn't conducive to pronoia and finding the funk. i was playing with the idea of having "funktard of the week," but that still doesn't quite do it for me. and in my bible, the televisionary oracle, every other chapter is a live broadcast direct from the drivetime which, if you haven't read anything of mr. brezsny's (and i wholeheartedly suggest you do!) then it won't make much sense. sometimes there are suggested projects, which i skipped this time around because i was devouring the book with all the voracious ecstacy i usually reserve for ice cream.
poor lactose-intolerant fool that i am...
but i didn't want to turn iGoddess into self-congratulatory bunk. this is about finding the funk! it's about taking that swig of mystical habanero juice that clears out the mystical sinuses. it's about playing poker with the Gambler With A Soul and losing everything, so you can then be blessed with everything. it's about a good poke in the third eye, and playing 'pop goes the weasel' with the Multi-Versal Jiggy Snake.
because remember: when things go BOOM! the Jiggy Snake goes "Wee!"
i need to find something appropriately iGoddess and funky enough to replace my fucktard fridays. suggestions are welcome! if there's anything my readers want to see more of, i'm always open to ideas and suggestions. i have three subscribers to my live feed. we need that number to grow! spread iGoddess far and wide! it's about finding your inner funk, about that moment of bliss when the Divine Wow, that Conscious and Psychedelic Mushroom Cloud in the Middle of Your Brain, connects with your inner funk.
and remember:

1 comment:
My suggestion would be a weekly post, related to brezsny's teachings, of some unexpected positivity that happened to you personally that week, and it's short term or long range effect on you. This would not only get you to thinking more deeply about the positive in your life, but would also help your readers see the wisdom of such an outlook.
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