the oxford-delena dictionary
1. pertaining to or characteristic of the unconventional life of a bohemian
2. (usually lowercase) a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices
3. a person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior
4. iGoddess
this week's word was almost "iconoclast," but that held too many connotations of warlike, rebellious, and destructive behavior. "attack" was in nearly every definition, and i'm definitely not attacking anyone or anything. challenging? yes. scrutinizing? absolutely. attacking? never.
y'know, iGoddess was nominated as an entrant in the Battle of the Blogs, (PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK AND VOTE FOR ME!!!) for which i am deeply honored. okay, okay, so i went to MySpace and posted a bulletin for my friends to nominate iGoddess. so sue me! i'm trying to increase traffic here so that more people can see that it's not all about venting and griping and being cynically hilarious about their day, whilst giving their life no more thought than, "this is what i did, this is what i thought about it. insert snarky comment here, the end." there's more to life than cynicism, fundamentalist materialism, and ego-centric american humor-for-the-lowest-common-denominator. so go vote for iGoddess and show those blind apocalypticians there's something better out there, and its name is pronoia!
what about beauty, truth, freedom, and love? what about finding that one thing you're absolutely passionate about, and taking up the flag and becoming a revolutionary freedom fighter? what about finding that one drummer that plays your beat, and marching to it? what about finding your inner Funk, about experiencing those things that grip you right in your solar plexus, or the base of your spine, or your ass chakra, and never let go of you until you have filled yourself with mind-altering and wildly romantic excitement until it just bursts out of every part of you?
(yes, insert obligatory fart joke here)
and no, i haven't died and been reincarnated as pollyanna. i'm not channeling the chipper and annoying spirit of gidget. and no, i wasn't melanie hamilton wilkes in a former life.
i'm talking about going to convention's table --filled with all the solid, heavy, fat-ridden and greasy foods of realism, materialism, egocentrism-- smiling at all the apocolypticians seated around it, and upending it with all your might. throw off the old ways of thinking that keep you mired in anxiety and fear and jaded cynicism! yes, laughing at fucktards is fun, and i indulge myself in the sport from time to time. but i also think about what they might actually bring to the world, i remember they're also manifestations of the Supreme Funk, and without them, we wouldn't be able to have genius and common sense. you can't have light without the dark, and you can't have the Funk without the fucked.
c'mon, beauty and truth fans. be fantastic, iconoclastic, bohemian bomastic revolutionary freedom fighters!
1 comment:
Totally aside from the point of this blog, but speaking of boehemians, I asked you once long ago if you'd ever seen the movie 'Rent', and I don't think you ever answered. If you haven't, you should. And if you have, isn't it fucking awesome?!
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