
what's that word again?

the oxford-delena dictionary

1. the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action
2. the act of providing incentive
3. an impelling force, stimulus, or influence (as in a drive or incentive)
4. something delena seriously lacks for any real blogging requiring serious concentration

no, seriously. i'm still really wiped out from the move. yesterday, after just sitting here posting the short entry before this one, i tried to get up and almost fell. my back just couldn't take any more, and my knees buckled. and even though i've tried to keep hydrated, today i suffered one of those mack-truck-between-the-eyes headaches followed by nausea, all caused by dehydration. and i've been seriously lacking in the protein. since we've all been so busy, and everything's been packed, i haven't been able to have my breakfast shake and it's really been having its effect. i ordered a burger at dinner the other night, i was so desperate for protein. blech. fortunately, i'm finally back on my regularly scheduled program of vegitarian goodness. once the kitchen's fully in order, i'm making daal.

tomorrow, however, we're back to normal. meaning cardio workouts, pilates, and no more 4am bedtimes. i'll miss the late nights, but as long as no one's up before 8, there will be no crime against nature. i swear, it's a mortal sin to be up that early.

if i believed in mortal sins, anyway. ha!

as for other things, my new bible, the televisionary oracle, is absolutely phenominal and inspiring spiritual, mental, and emotional illumination the likes of which i've never experienced before. i'll have to start blogging about a few of them, actually, even though my own personal trips to the menstrual temple of the funky grail haven't really been all that well received before.

the best response i've gotten so far is, "err...it's, um...interesting, i guess." they just don't get it with their little minds, the poor things. although, to be fair, pronoia isn't entirely welcome or understood in our world. it's about twenty-two minutes of world orgasm, killing the apocalypse, and believing the simple truth that the universe is conspiring to shower you with blessings.

and to do my part today to kill the apocalypse, i'm going to go baptize myself in white nectarine and pink coral flower while i wash my sins down the drain, curl up amidst my shrine to knowledge and sci-fantasy, and dream of an elite team of ninja monkeys riding tyrannosaurs in bozo the clown shoes, armed with febreeze and spritzing my enemies in the face, shouting, "be happy! the archetypes are mutating and two plus two equals chair!"

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