1. i am eternally grateful for my family. eternally. at my Darkest Hour, when i finally realized Something needed to change, in my mind i was surrounded in 360 degrees by negativity and my Inner Demon Horde. i knew i needed to focus on something positive, and i knew that not everything in my life could be black and negative. i realized my family couldn't be called negative, therefore it had to be positive. and so i clung to my family as to a lifeline, and at the time they were. i kept them as my point of reference, my focus as i let so much just fall away. and focusing on their love and support lifted me up. thank the Divine Wow for my family...
2. i'm absolutely grateful for their support. i know i am a worthwhile person, deserving of love and every good thing because being surrounded by them, by their support and love and faith in me, i know i am worth everything. they're fantastic people and i think the world of them. and if i think so highly of them, i know them for people who wouldn't waste their time on trash. if you are who you hang out with, then i'm among some very fine company!
3. i'm thankful for their continued faith in my abilities. they have so much faith in me, and have such high expectations...but it's not a negative thing. they know what i'm capable of, and after being told, "you can do anything, sweetie," i begin to believe it. and believing it, i do it. and in doing it, i know there's no challenge i will not meet and succeed.
4. i'm grateful for their love. lessons in unconditional love, examples of what real love does, means, and says to others. they showed me the transformative and transcending power of love. without love, i would never have risen above my limitations to become the phenominal Delena of the Funkywild that i am.
5. i know how lucky i am to have the family i do, and i am eternally grateful for my good fortune. i have four parents --two mothers, two fathers-- and nine brothers and sisters. nine! and they're all alive and in fantastic health, and life is only getting better.
life is only getting better.
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